An In-depth Guide on How to Outsource Laravel Development Projects

Outsourcing Laravel development projects refers to hiring a Laravel development agency to develop websites, web apps, and web portals.

Laravel, a popular PHP framework, is used to develop 757,533 live websites including PuppySpot Group, Yanko Design, and Gameloft. This shows Laravel’s adoption and reliability as a robust web development solution.

Startups, mid-scale businesses, and enterprises generally outsource Laravel development due to these challenges.

  • Limited availability of in-house developers.
  • Insufficient budget allocation for hiring and training Laravel developers.
  • Tight deadlines for project completion.

If you are facing any of these concerns or just need to outsource your Laravel project but are unsure about the process, take a look at our guide.

As a leading Laravel development company, we have prepared this comprehensive guide that contains all the necessary steps to outsource a Laravel-based web project along with the costs, benefits, challenges and tech stack involved.

Before discussing the process let’s first have a look at the benefits associated with outsourcing Laravel app development services.

5 Major Benefits of Outsourcing Laravel Development

Here are the benefits when deciding to outsource Laravel development services.

  1. Access to Specialized Expertise

    Outsourcing helps you connect with a global talent pool of dedicated Laravel developers specializing in modern PHP practices. These practices include using Laravel’s MVC architecture, and related technologies like Vue.js and Bootstrap to develop custom Laravel projects.

    Recently, our team with specialized expertise developed and launched Fyule Video Lab, an online video learning platform. This platform facilitates engagement with educational content through art-integrated projects. Built using Laravel, Fyule Video Lab has raised $1.4 million through an Angel syndicate.

  2. Reduces In-house Costs

    Outsourcing allows you to eliminate the costs associated with recruiting, training and maintaining full-time development teams. You save on costs like salaries, employee benefits, and office space provisions.

  3. Enables Flexible Team Scalability

    You get the flexibility to adjust your team size dynamically based on the project’s requirements. This helps you avoid the constraints associated with hiring and managing an in-house development team.

  4. Enhances Focus on Core Business Activities

    Assigning Laravel development tasks to an external team allows your in-house team to focus on strategic initiatives. This initiative involves market expansion, customer engagement and product innovation which lead to business growth.

  5. Accelerates Laravel Development Timelines

    External teams use Agile methodologies and advanced tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and CircleCI to implement CI/CD practices. These tools automate the testing and deployment phases which reduces the time from development to deployment.

Now you know the benefits of outsourcing your Laravel project. So, let’s discuss the process of outsourcing the Laravel project in detail.

Step-by-step Process to Outsource Laravel Development Project

Here is the detailed process for outsourcing the Laravel development project.

  1. Define Project Goals, Scope, and Technical Requirements

    The first move is to schedule a meeting with your team to outline what needs to specify the inclusions and exclusions of your Laravel project. Here are the key aspects to consider.

    • Define project goals, audience, and objectives for a focused development approach.
    • Establish project features and deliverables to maintain focus and prevent scope creep.
    • Outline necessary technologies and integrations for smooth compatibility and scalability.
    • Identify any constraints such as budget limitations, deadlines, or technical limitations.
    • Specify clear communication channels and reporting structures with the outsourcing team.
  2. Research and Select Suitable Outsourcing Laravel Partner

    Perform research on platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, Upwork, and LinkedIn to identify top development agencies specializing in Laravel. When evaluating companies for outsourcing Laravel development services, consider asking the following question.

    • Do you have experience with Laravel projects in our industry or with similar functionalities?
    • How do you ensure code quality and maintainability in Laravel projects for scalability?
    • How do you handle communication between teams, especially across different time zones?
    • Can you explain your testing process for Laravel applications?
    • What post-development support and scalability options do you provide for Laravel projects?
    • Can you share references from clients with projects similar to ours?
    • How do you ensure security and confidentiality during development?
  3. Asking these questions helps you find the firms that meet your specific Laravel project needs. Once the firms are shortlisted, create a Request for Proposal (RFP) document that includes details like technical specifications, functionality requirements, and any specific design or UX preferences.

    To help you save time and effort, download this free copy of the RFP template. You can use this template and edit it as per your project requirements.

    After finalizing the document, distribute the document to the sorted-out outsourcing Laravel firms. Review received proposals to choose a reliable Laravel development agency. One of the key aspects to consider during selection is to select an outsourcing model.

    Here are all the outsourcing models to choose for your Laravel project.

    • Staff Augmentation Model: Augment your in-house development team with skilled developers provided by the outsourcing agency.
    • Dedicated Team Model: Hire a dedicated development team to work exclusively on your project under the agency’s guidance.
    • Full Project Outsourcing Model: Outsource the entire project management and web development process to an external agency.

    At Space-O Technologies, we offer all these outsourcing models to help you address different project requirements and preferences. With 14+ years of experience in developing Laravel projects, our skilled developers ensure code quality, maintain scalability, and uphold security and confidentiality throughout the development process.

  4. Negotiate Terms, Finalize Contract, and Establish Payment Agreement

    Before proceeding, consider the following aspects to ensure a smooth negotiation and contract finalization process.

    • Discuss necessary terms and conditions like project scope, timelines, deliverables, and specific requirements.
    • Aim for clarity and transparency to avoid misunderstandings later in the project.
    • Draft a detailed contract outlining all agreed-upon terms like project details, payment terms, and dispute resolution procedures.
    • Seek legal advice if necessary to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
    • Determine payment terms like schedule, milestones, and invoicing procedures.
  5. Maintain Communication Channels and Provide Resources

    In this step, you must follow the guidelines below to ensure effective communication and resource allocation throughout the project.

    • Use clear communication channels like email, video calls, or project management platforms like Asana & Trello for regular interaction.
    • Designate a dedicated project manager to oversee the collaboration.
    • Provide necessary development resources like grant access to project documentation, tools, and software licenses required for the project.
    • Schedule regular check-in meetings to track the progress of your project, address any issues faced, and provide feedback.
  6. Review Deliverables and Ensure Acceptance

    The last step involves evaluating the outsourcing partner’s performance and providing constructive feedback to ensure project success. When reviewing the deliverables here are some questions to ask for a better assessment:

    • Does the deliverable meet the specified requirements and quality standards?
    • Were deadlines and milestones met according to the project timeline?
    • Is the communication effective and responsive throughout the project?
    • Are there any areas for improvement or adjustments needed to meet project objectives?
  7. Addressing these questions allows for detailed evaluation, issue detection, and resolution. Once all the deliverables are reviewed and necessary changes are made based on the feedback, you proceed with final acceptance.

Want to Outsource Your Laravel Project?

Contact us. Our team helps you convert your idea into a Laravel-based web solution with our end-to-end development process.

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Let’s have a look at the cost of outsourcing Laravel development.

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Laravel Development

The cost of outsourcing the Laravel development project in the USA starts from $25,000 for basic websites involving a developer, designer and project manager. This cost range goes up to $75,000 and more for complex web apps involving 3-5 developers, 1-2 designers, one QA and one project manager.

Apart from these factors, the cost depends on the following factors as well.

  • Expertise & location of the outsourced Laravel development team
  • Complexity of the Laravel project
  • Duration of the Laravel project
  • Type of engagement model
  • Technological requirements for Laravel development

If you still require a cost breakdown for your Laravel project, check out this table showcasing the cost based on the type of web solutions and the features involved.

Type of Laravel ProjectKey FeaturesEstimated Cost Range
Simple Website
  • Basic CRUD operations
  • Minimal custom UI
  • Simple backend logic
$3,000 to $10,000
Business Website
  • Custom design
  • CMS integration
  • Multi-language support
  • Responsive design
$8,000 to $20,000
eCommerce Platform
  • Shopping cart
  • Payment gateways
  • Product management
  • Customer portals
$20,000 to $50,000
Enterprise Web Application
  • High-level security
  • Advanced data handling
  • Integration with enterprise systems
  • Scalable architecture
$50,000 to $100,000+
Social Media Platform
  • User profiles
  • Real-time feeds
  • Multimedia handling
  • Interaction capabilities
  • Scalability
$30,000 to $70,000

Note: The above-mentioned cost is not exact as the cost varies based on other factors also which are discussed above.

Further, let’s have a look at why agencies are preferred over freelancers and in-house teams.

Why Should You Consider Laravel Development Agencies Over Freelancers or In-house Teams?

Here is the table highlighting why partnering with agencies is more beneficial than hiring freelance developers or in-house teams.

AspectsAgenciesFreelance DevelopersIn-house Teams
ExpertiseAgencies have diverse teams with specialized technical skills for comprehensive project handling.Freelancers offer individual expertise but lack breadth compared to agencies.In-house teams offer varied expertise but lack specialization in certain areas.
SupportAgencies provide consistent, ongoing support throughout the project lifecycle.Freelancer support varies based on availability and workload.In-house teams provide consistent support but vary based on workload.
ScalabilityAgencies easily scale resources to meet project demands.Freelancers may have limited capacity for larger projects.In-house teams have limited scalability within existing structures.
Project ManagementAgencies offer comprehensive project management services, ensuring timely delivery.Freelancer project management varies in consistency and effectiveness.In-house teams have established project management processes.
Long-term PartnershipAgencies prioritize long-term relationships, offering personalized services.Freelancer commitment to long-term partnerships varies.In-house teams foster long-term relationships, understanding organizational needs.
    Tip: Look for agencies that offer the flexibility of outsourcing Laravel developers or outsourcing entire projects. This way, you can get exactly what you need, whether it’s specific skills or complete project management.

If you want to hire Laravel developers or want to outsource your entire project, choose Space-O Technologies. We offer both options to ensure flexibility and scalability tailored to your specific Laravel project needs. Now let’s check out the top Laravel development companies to outsource your web project.

Top 5 Laravel Development Outsourcing Companies

Here is the list of the top 5 companies to help you choose the right Laravel development company that fits your project requirements. Check out how we prepared this list.

Why Trust Our List?

We understand the importance of credibility. So here is a breakdown of how we analyzed and provided the list of top Laravel companies.

Platforms Analyzed

Platforms Analyzed

We analyzed top platforms like Clutch, DesignRush and GoodFirms that provides a list of top Laravel development companies along with reviews and ratings.
Companies Reviewed

Companies Reviewed

From 7 platforms, we reviewed 129 companies and sorted 22 companies.
Hours Researched

Hours Researched

We spent 11 hours manually reviewing 22 companies and sorted out the top 5 companies based on 13 factors.
Factors Considered

Factors Considered

We considered 13 factors and evaluated the top 5 companies based on Laravel app development services, hourly rates, client base, and technical expertise.

Now, let’s have a look at the table containing the overview of the top Laravel development companies.

Company NameClutch Rating (Reviews)Services OfferedDirections
4.8 (61 Reviews)
  • Custom Laravel Web App Development
  • Third-party Integrations
  • Laravel eCommerce Solution Development
  • Migration to Laravel
  • Laravel Enterprise App Development
map location marker Space-O Technologies
4.8 (93 Reviews)
  • Custom Web Application Development
  • Laravel eCommerce Solutions
  • Laravel CRM Development
  • Laravel CMS Development
map location marker Saritasa
4.9 (56 Reviews)
  • Laravel Consulting
  • Laravel App Development
  • Laravel Website Development
  • Laravel Migration & Upgrade
  • Laravel Support
map location marker Innowise Group
5.0 (66 Reviews)
  • Laravel eCommerce Development
  • Laravel Web Application Development
  • Laravel CMS Development
  • Laravel API Integration
map location marker Popart Studio
4.9 (45 Reviews)
  • Laravel Web Application Development
  • SaaS Development
  • Laravel Performance Optimization
  • Laravel Maintenance & Support
map location markerHighland

These are the top 5 companies to outsource your web project. If you want to analyze more top Laravel companies, then you can check out our blog on top Laravel development companies. This blog helps you pick the best company to build your server-side solution.

Further, let’s check out the best countries for outsourcing Laravel development services.

Popular Countries to Outsource Laravel Development Services

When considering outsourcing Laravel development, evaluate the benefits offered by each country in terms of talent pool, cost-effectiveness, and cultural compatibility. Here are the countries to outsource Laravel development services for your web project.


  • Access to experienced Laravel developers at the forefront of technology.
  • Cultural alignment and ease of communication for seamless collaboration.
  • Adherence to strict data protection regulations for security.
  • Availability of cutting-edge infrastructure for complex projects.


  • High-quality education system producing skilled Laravel developers.
  • Proximity to the United States for similar time zones and cultural understanding.
  • Stable political and economic environment ensuring reliability.
  • Multicultural workforce and inclusive work culture fostering innovation.


  • Cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.
  • Access to a large talent pool of Laravel developers with diverse skill sets.
  • Flexible engagement models and scalable resources.
  • Favorable time zone difference for round-the-clock support.


  • Competitive rates combined with high-quality services.
  • Strong technical expertise in Laravel development and innovation.
  • Cultural affinity with Western clients for effective communication.
  • Favorable business environment with government support.

Now let’s discuss the common challenges associated with outsourcing Laravel development services.

3 Common Challenges When Outsourcing Laravel Development

Here are the challenges involved when outsourcing Laravel development services.

  1. Lacks Clear Communication

    Remote work creates communication gaps due to differences in time zones, language barriers, and reliance on digital communication tools. These gaps lead to delays and misunderstandings about project specifications.

      Solution: Implement structured daily updates and weekly video meetings to keep all team members aligned and informed.
  2. Reduces Direct Control

    Relying on an external team decreased your control over the day-to-day management and supervision of the development process. This leads to a lack of direct control over minute operational details which results in deviations from the project’s scope and standards.

      Solution: Use project management software like Jira to set up detailed project milestones and track real-time progress.
  3. Introduces Cultural and Operational Misalignments

    Working with teams from different cultural backgrounds and operational frameworks leads to misalignments in work ethics, communication styles, and business practices. These differences result in affecting the team dynamics and project execution.

      Solution: Conduct orientation sessions to align on work ethics and communication styles, and facilitate cultural exchange activities to build mutual understanding.

Looking to Hire Laravel Developers?

We have a team of Laravel developers specializing in developing websites, web applications, and web portals like eCommerce stores and CMS.

After covering all the aspects of Laravel development outsourcing, if you still have doubts, check out the FAQ section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I outsource Laravel development for an existing project?

Yes, outsourcing Laravel development for an existing project is possible. This approach is useful if you require specialized skills or additional resources to meet deadlines. For a smooth transition, ensure the outsourced development team understands the project’s entire context, and provide them with thorough documentation and a clear transition plan.

What happens if I am not satisfied with the outcomes of the outsourced project?

You need to first discuss your concerns with the outsourcing partner. Review the deliverables and quality benchmarks as stated in your contract. Most companies are willing to adjust or redo work to meet agreed standards. If the problems continue, you need to use the dispute resolution clauses specified in your contract or consider ending the agreement as a final option.

Where to find the top companies to outsource Laravel development?

Here are the top sources to find companies to outsource your Laravel projects.

  • Check directories like Clutch and GoodFirms for reviews and ratings of Laravel development companies like Space-O Technologies.
  • Follow tech blogs and websites that highlight leading Laravel development agencies and offer insights into industry trends.
  • Use LinkedIn and Twitter to find and evaluate Laravel development companies based on their online presence.
  • Ask for referrals from business connections and colleagues who have previously outsourced Laravel projects.

Which factors to consider when outsourcing a Laravel development agency?

Here are the factors to consider when outsourcing a Laravel development agency.

  • Look for companies that have a proven track record of developing customized Laravel solutions.
  • Evaluate communication channels and tools for efficient project management within the company.
  • Discuss pricing transparency to avoid unexpected costs during development with the company.
  • Seek client testimonials and references to assess the company’s reliability and satisfaction levels.
  • Consider long-term partnership potential and scalability for future projects with the company.

How to prevent scope creep in outsourced Laravel projects

Preventing scope creep in outsourced Laravel projects requires planning and ongoing communication. From the start, you need to define deliverables, timelines, and detailed requirements in your contract.

Implement formal change management procedures and hold regular project reviews to keep everyone aligned. Employing Agile methodologies also offers flexibility and control over project scope adjustments.

Develop Your Laravel Solution With Space-O Technologies

By reading this blog, you now have a complete understanding of the Laravel development process. This understanding enables you to make informed decisions on project outsourcing and manage your resources.

If you prefer not to spend time searching for a reliable company to outsource your project, consider reaching out to Space-O Technologies. Our team excels in adjusting work schedules to align with your time zone. Our Laravel developers are also experts in using Laravel to develop custom web solutions.

Bhaval Patel

Written by

Bhaval Patel is a Director (Operations) at Space-O Technologies. He has 20+ years of experience helping startups and enterprises with custom software solutions to drive maximum results. Under his leadership, Space-O has won the 8th GESIA annual award for being the best mobile app development company. So far, he has validated more than 300 app ideas and successfully delivered 100 custom solutions using the technologies, such as Swift, Kotlin, React Native, Flutter, PHP, RoR, IoT, AI, NFC, AR/VR, Blockchain, NFT, and more.